Deputy Director, MassTech and Director, Innovation Institute
Innovation Institute
larkin@masstech.orgPatrick Larkin is Founder and Director of the Innovation Institute, the economic development division of the MassTech Collaborative (MassTech), one of the nation's first state agencies to focus on innovation-based economic development. The Innovation Institute at MassTech collaborates across sectors and regions to support the Commonwealth’s Innovation Economy, which drives jobs, startups, and business growth. Mr. Larkin is one of the Commonwealth’s earliest practitioners to focus on collaboration between industry, academia, and government to strengthen ecosystems for innovation and devise and deploy pathways for economic growth and opportunity. A nationally recognized economic development organization, the Innovation Institute’s efforts include playing a leading role in facilitating innovation driven economic growth in Gateway Cities through nimble public sector investments and customized, on-the-ground intervention to seed the conditions for sustainable economic growth.