Date Awarded: December 2020
Award Amount: $708,690
Focus Region: Central Massachusetts
Project Partners: Worcester Polytechnic Institute PracticePoint, MIT E-VENT Team, Boston Engineering, Quinsigamond Community College, Worcester Technical High School
Overview: This project supports the completion of design, development, production and distribution of ventilators and ventilator parts for use in global and domestic markets. MassTech is providing WPI with resources to develop the technology and know-how needed produce effective and economical ventilators that can improve patient care, communication and outcomes under varying economic and social conditions. The project complements several existing ventilator efforts in the Commonwealth and aggregates them at WPI, in coordination with MIT’s E-Vent team, positioning its students to advance the next generation of ventilators, thereby making the Commonwealth a leader in this life-saving technology.
The majority of the ventilators developed in this project will be deployed to overseas universities and hospitals through WPI's Math and Science for Sub-Saharan Africa program with the World Bank. By working with African institutions on co-creating and testing of ventilators and using them in the hospital care of Covid-19 patients, this project is designed to greatly enhance patient care, communication and outcomes in these countries.