CLOSED - RFP No.2023-MBI-07
Massachusetts Technology Collaborative (“MassTech”) on behalf of the Massachusetts Broadband Institute (“MBI”) is issuing this Request for Proposals for Broadband Equity, Access and Deployment (BEAD) Five-Year Action Plan Consulting Services (the “RFP”) (Solicitation No. 2023-MBI-07) to solicit responses from qualified consultants (“Respondents”) with experience in broadband/digital equity planning, community/stakeholder engagement and outreach, workforce/economic development, project management, facilitation and broadband infrastructure deployment.
Scope of Services
MassTech seeks qualified Respondents that can provide planning and technical assistance to MBI in the execution of the BEAD planning activities as well as support for related community outreach and engagement activities. Respondents may propose additional services that they believe are pertinent to the successful execution of BEAD planning activities.
Consultants will be responsible for providing comprehensive project management for all planning activities for which they propose to provide services. Proposals may include one consultant or a team of consultants who can deliver services for one or more of the Categories of Service outlined in the RFP. MBI expects that Respondents will be able to perform all duties associated within the Category or Categories of Service they apply for, however, MBI expects that consultants may need to sub-contract with specialized organizations for community engagement or other technology/technical components of the services. Respondents must indicate in the proposal if they are proposing to use subcontracted services for those additional resources.
Team Lead | Michael Baldino, proposals (at) |
RFP Issued | February 2, 2023 |
Bidders' Conference | February 14, 2023 at 2:00 PM EST | Download Presentation Slides (PDF) | Recording (Vimeo) |
Questions Due | February 16, 2023 at 5:00 PM EST |
Responses Posted | February 22, 2023 at 5:00 PM EST |
Applications Due | March 2, 2023 at 5:00 PM EST |
Download RFP Documents: